Home » Palmerston College Student Leaders Training Day 08 Mar. 2021

Palmerston College Student Leaders Training Day

Palmerston College held a full day of Student Leadership Training for our full Student Leadership Team. The training focused on the skills students will use to gather student voice across the College, and the planning, presentation and organisational skills for the events and engaging activities they will hold across our 7-9 and 10-12 campuses. The Student Leadership Team training day allowed our student leaders to get to know others on their team, develop their leadership skills and start planning activities for 2021. 

The Student Leadership Team participated in targeted workshops on active listening, teamwork, communication skills; and discussed what makes an effective student leadership team. These students will also continue learning and applying practical skills in Student Peer Coaching, our whole College program to promote the sharing of successful learning strategies.

These workshops were conducted by our talented teacher mentors with a wealth of experience and talent in delivering engaging, active learning. Students brainstormed and began planning inclusive events and activities, as well as developing strategies to further promote student voice from Year 7 to Year 12.  

The Palmerston College Student Leadership Team meets every second Thursday at Recess on both campuses. Meetings are open to all Palmerston College students to attend and share their ideas.

Students Thoughts on the Training Day

“I enjoyed the games that encouraged us to interact with each other including student leaders on the other campus. The day gave us an overview of what we were going to be doing as student leaders. It inspired us for the year and gave us lots of ideas for what we could do for the school.” – Joshua Limon (Year 11)